Powering access to financial data

Zing empowers businesses with access to accurate financial data through its all-in-one API solution.

Reliable and secure
Just plug-and-play
Why Choose Zing

Develop innovative financial products

Zing products are built to boost your offerings, enabling you connect to users' accounts in seconds.
Access data from multiple sources; banks, payroll, wallets, investment apps and many more
Tap into our fast and easy to use technology through one API integration
Personal information is secured by industry grade standards and encrypted in transit and at rest
One Unified API

Explore our unique suite of products

Leverage bank data to verify your users’ identities and account ownership
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Access up-to-date transactions data and insights of up to 24 months
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Utilize income data from payroll and bank connections for better decision-making
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Account Check
Fetch and verify details of your users’ account and balances in real time
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Gain insights into an overview of your users’ investments and portfolio accounts
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Accept one-time and recurring payments directly from bank and payroll accounts
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Multiple Providers

Fast growing coverage

Access to millions of data points across multiple sources, at your fingertips.

Get started with Zing

Contact our team to learn more about what we can help you build – or request a demo to get started right away.
Made in Webflow